Bentley Raceway and Cable Management CONNECT Edition Help

Design File Settings Dialog, Active Angle Category

Consists of controls that are used to set the Active Angle and to toggle Angle Lock.

Active Angle Sets the Active Angle — the angle, in degrees, used with tools that require an angle specification, including the Place Line, the Place Active Cell, the Place Text, the Rotate, and the Construct Array.

The Active Angle is a tool setting for cell and text placement.

ACTIVE ANGLE [ angle ]
AA= [ angle ]
Tip: Using the AA=<angle> alternate key-in to set the active angle can be faster than using the controls in the Active Angle category. For example, to set the active angle to 45 degree, key in AA=45. If angle is omitted, the current setting is displayed in the Status Bar.
Note: In illustrations of tools that are affected by the Active Angle, the active angle is denoted by "AA."
Angle Lock If on, the Active Angle is rounded to the nearest multiple, in degrees, of the specified Tolerance.
Note: If the optional argument is omitted, the current setting is toggled.
Tolerance If Angle Lock is on, the Active Angle is constrained to multiples of this value. For example, if Tolerance is 5 and Angle Lock is on, the Active Angle can be 0, 5, 10, 15, and so on.